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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why Mr Pooh?????

Yess.. Why Mr Pooh? Why not use Mr. Mickey? Why not use Mr.Donald? why not use Mr. Cinderella? Why?? Why??

:eheh: Hahaha terlebih sudah..

I know, people will ask me, why I use Pooh as Nickname for my fiancé.. actually this name without any planning... I came suddenly.. but I notice that Pooh is actually is a cute name..am i?? *kelip mate laju*
Mr. Pooh from my eye:-
  • Nice person, kindly and love to help people...
  • Famous among his friends..
  • Active man..He love sports than I..
  • Polite man... *sbb tu mak ngan ayah merestuinye...kekekke*
  • Good looking..
Heee so is it same between my Mr. Pooh and the Pooh character itself??... maksudnye xsalah la aku namakan dia sebagai Mr Pooh.. 1 more thing, i always tell my Mr Pooh that they have the same fizikal.. TUMMY :ahaha:... ngeee

pesanan penaja: kawan aku cakap...silap ari bulan, pas kawen nnt, aku plak jadi Pooh yg sebenar... perut yg buncit... kekeekke:blush:

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